pacifica Plastic surgery





From the 16th century, cosmetic surgery has been a preferred way to enhance self beauty and boost confidence, and now in this image-obsessed world, it has reached new heights. Women and men both are actively taking advantage of these medical advances.

The breast implant is the most popular choice in women worldwide and especially in the United States of America. One can understand the popularity because it covers more than 15.5 % of the world’s cosmetic surgery.

The two significant surgeries that women opt for are Breast augmentation and breast reduction and look more attractive and beautiful. 

Women undergoing breast implant surgery could, for any reason, such as after mastectomy for breast cancer or cosmetic reasons, get the option to choose the filler material. Therefore, it becomes mandatory for you to know the differences between these materials and which one is better than the other.

This article will help you understand the types of breast implants available, the procedures used, and possible complications.

Saline and Silicone Breast Implants

Breast augmentation involves the implantation that is of two types –

Saline and Silicone.

Breast implants are in the trend since the 1960s using Saline. These are hollow shells made of silicone. The surgeon implants empty during surgery and then loaded with sterile saltwater, making the incision site smaller and less noticeable. Also, Saline implants are somewhat less costly than silicone.

The saline problem is that patients who underwent the surgery report that they are visible under the skin (often causing rippling), and you also feel water sloshing.

While some other patients report that the saline implants appear extra firm than natural breast tissue, and sometimes they fill overly to evade rippling or wrinkling of the implant. There is also a Baffled Saline implant with chambers to make the water move less quickly to reduce sloshing and ripping. If you are 18, then you qualify for the Saline implants.

Silicone implants are silicone cases filled with a silicone gel made up of synthetic material that feels precisely like human fat. It is also called gummy bear implants and comes in various shapes and sizes. 

You can find silicone implants more cohesive and firm. Also, the implant looks and feels more natural than others. And you can discuss with your surgeon regarding picking the right size and shape option as you desire.

But they are the ones with a higher risk of rupture. Thus it is recommended by the producers to keep monitoring for the cracks every few years through MRI. In case you opt for silicone implants, consult with your surgeon for screening schedules and how often you should have them.

To have silicone implants, you must be 22 years of age, but there is no such compulsion that you cannot have silicone implants under 22. Still, several manufacturers will not provide any warranties for younger patients.

Costs Comparison

As breast implants are considered cosmetic procedures, several insurance companies do not cover this. The breast implants cost largely depends on the surgeon, location, and type of implants you choose.

Typically, the surgery ranges from $5,000 to $10,000; sometimes, it can go up to $12000, but you may have to pay $1000 extra for silicone implants as they are costlier than saline implants. 


You must also evaluate the cost of regular checkups as MRIs for ensuring there is no rapture in the implants.

Which implant is safer than the other?

Saline and silicone implants are both considered safe. But make sure that your surgeon is well experienced and a reputable board-certified surgeon.

Some accept that saline implants are more secure since, in such a case that the embed breaks, most saltwater will reabsorb into the body. With saline implants, you’ll immediately know if it cracks or bursts, and you can promptly take safety measures.

A few researchers, and based on their studies, have seen a relationship between silicone implants and immune system infections, for example, rheumatoid joint inflammation and lupus. Both implants have silicone shells, so you might need to keep away from implants entirely if you have an immune system problem.

People who underwent breast implants have reported experiencing medical problems, and together they are called breast implant illness (BII). The indications range from weariness to ongoing migraines and mind haze, aches, pains, and gastrointestinal side effects.

However, there is no supportive evidence of breast implants causing BII; still, patients report that they feel better after removing their implants.

Recovery After Breast Implants Surgery

Photo by Philippe Spitalier on Unsplash

After the surgery, your doctor will cover your breasts with gauze and install drainage tubes, but there is nothing to worry about as the doctor will remove it in a few days.

Whether it is a silicone implant or saline, you have to be careful and take care of yourself, especially, you shouldn’t try any heavy lifting or exercise for at least six weeks.

Your surgeon will give you some pain relief medication to reduce the pain in the incision area. You will also have swelling in the surgery area, which will go away, and the scars will fade over time.

Possible Complications

Complications remain the same no matter which implant you chose following are the breast implant surgery risks you need to care off:

  • Breast pain
  • Scarring
  • Bleeding
  • Infection

There is a probability that your implants may get burst and break. If you have saline implants and cracks, the entire saline water will be absorbed by the body. On the other side, silicone leaks may remain inside the implant shell or break outside the surface. At the point when saline implant cracks, it will collapse. However, silicone breast implants may cause no undeniable indications when they burst. It is known as a silent rupture.

Key Takeaways

Both the breast implants methods are safe and popular amongst women. Still, it is essential to understand that they won’t last forever, and if they burst, you will need additional surgery to correct or remove them.

Silicone implants may feel more like a natural breast, but saline implants will result in a smaller scar as it is inserted empty and then filled with water.

If you consider breast implant surgery or have doubts, do contact us for expert consultation. We will make sure that we clear all your doubts.

Dr. Daniel G. Kolder

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

As a highly trained plastic surgeon, Dr. Kolder’s specialties include:
Tummy Tucks + Liposuction + Breast Augmentation + Breast Lifts + Breast Reduction + Facelifts + Armlifts + Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty, as well as a variety of non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Dr. Kolder is also known to have a warm, easy manner, compassionate care, with surgical results that are beautiful and natural.

See Below Dr. Kolder’s Procedure Videos.

Patient Testimonial

“I was so pleased I chose to go to Dr Kolder! Not only do I love his staff, they are so helpful, efficient and just plain fun to talk to, Dr. Kolder makes you feel at ease with his knowledge and disposition. My surgery results were amazing and my recovery was made easy knowing I could call any time and get immediate attention and information. I highly recommend Dr. Kolder and his entire staff…”