pacifica Plastic surgery





Thoroughly preparing for your mommy makeover in the weeks leading up to your procedure is the key to having a smooth and stress-free experience from start to finish. When preparing for your procedure, make sure you take all the time you need with Dr. Kolder to get your questions answered and understand every step of the process. Also, add these 5 crucial mommy makeover prep tips to your to-do list for smooth sailing during your recovery process and beyond.

1. Follow No-Smoking Guidelines

Avoid smoking and vaping for at least 4 weeks before your mommy makeover and for at least 4 weeks after your procedure to minimize the risk of complications and optimize your body’s ability to heal.

2. Discuss Medications & Supplements with Dr. Kolder

Let Dr. Kolder know about all medications and supplements you currently take to make sure you are cleared to either stay on those medications or take a temporary break from them as you prepare for your mommy makeover. 

Don’t forget to include vitamins and herbal supplements, as some of these supplements may need to be temporarily discontinued before and/or after surgery as well.

3. Start Forming Healthy Habits Now

Before your mommy makeover, start paying special attention to eating a healthy diet, drinking enough water and staying active. This will not only help to reduce the risk of complications during and after your procedure, but will also set you up for success as you recover and well after your mommy makeover. Many of our mommy makeover patients find that they have renewed energy and a fresh outlook following surgery and recovery.

4. Don’t Shave Shortly before Surgery

Avoid shaving the day before or the day of your mommy makeover, as this can increase the risk of infection. This will be part of your post-op instructions, which include information on bathing and what to wear to the surgical center.

5. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Though you will likely have some nervous energy in the days before your procedure, getting enough sleep before your mommy makeover will help you feel refreshed and energized for surgery. Knowing that you already have everything checked off your mommy makeover prep list, and that you are in excellent hands when under the care of Dr. Kolder and his team, can give you the peace of mind you need to sleep well.

If you still have questions about how to prepare for your mommy makeover or to schedule a consultation to discuss your cosmetic goals with Dr. Kolder, call us at 805-484-2855 or contact us online.


Title: 5 Expert Tips to Prep for Your Mommy Makeover

Desc: Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel Kolder in Santa Barbara and Camarillo shares 5 mommy makeover prep tips for the days before your mommy makeover.

Kw: mommy makeover prep, day before mommy makeover

Dr. Daniel G. Kolder

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

As a highly trained plastic surgeon, Dr. Kolder’s specialties include:
Tummy Tucks + Liposuction + Breast Augmentation + Breast Lifts + Breast Reduction + Facelifts + Armlifts + Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty, as well as a variety of non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Dr. Kolder is also known to have a warm, easy manner, compassionate care, with surgical results that are beautiful and natural.

See Below Dr. Kolder’s Procedure Videos.

Patient Testimonial

“I was so pleased I chose to go to Dr Kolder! Not only do I love his staff, they are so helpful, efficient and just plain fun to talk to, Dr. Kolder makes you feel at ease with his knowledge and disposition. My surgery results were amazing and my recovery was made easy knowing I could call any time and get immediate attention and information. I highly recommend Dr. Kolder and his entire staff…”