pacifica Plastic surgery





5 Great Ways to Banish Bulges for Good img 1If you’re unhappy with stubborn pockets of fat anywhere on your body, you’re not alone. Most men and women struggle to achieve the lean, sleek contours they desire, even despite their best efforts.

When this is the case, you may want to consider trying one or more of these popular ways to banish bulges for good and get the smooth, slim look you want.

  1. CoolSculpting®

    CoolSculpting® is an innovative nonsurgical cosmetic treatment option that works using a process known as cryolipolysis. This involves zing targeted areas of subcutaneous fat virtually anywhere on your body, essentially disabling these cells while not harming the surrounding tissue. Once treatment is over, your body naturally eliminates these fat cells. Because of this, your CoolSculpting results are permanent, provided that you maintain a healthy lifestyle to continue enjoying those same smooth results.

    One of the many benefits of CoolSculpting nonsurgical body contouring is that because it is a non-invasive procedure, you can expect to return to work and other daily activities shortly after your treatment session is over. Although some mild side effects are common, including itching, redness, bruising and tenderness, these typically resolve on their own over the next few days following your procedure, gradually revealing your final results.

    To achieve the most noticeable results, you may require a series of CoolSculpting treatment sessions spaced several weeks apart, and each individual appointment generally takes between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the size of the targeted area.

  2. Kybella®

    If you’ve ever wished that you could somehow melt your double chin away, Kybella®may be the answer to your cosmetic dreams. Kybella is a nonsurgical injectable treatment that has been FDA-approved to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat in the submental, or under chin area, leaving you with a sleeker facial contour and more well-defined chin and jawline.

    This treatment works by injecting a substance called deoxycholic acid, which is already naturally present in your body, to help accelerate the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Thus, when injected under your chin, Kybella permanently destroys these fat cells and effectively improves or even eliminates the appearance of your double chin.

    Over the next several weeks following treatment, you should notice a gradual improvement in your facial contours, and your final results should be visible within 4 to 6 weeks after your injections. In the meantime, some mild redness, swelling or bruising may occur, but these generally diminish on their own as your body continues to heal.

  3. Diet

    When most men and women become dissatisfied with stubborn bulges, they choose to make healthy adjustments to their regular diets. This is a great place to start if you’re just beginning your journey to achieving a slimmer figure and healthier weight, as procedures like CoolSculpting and Kybella will be most effective once you’ve already achieved your weight loss goals.

    While there are countless diet fads and weight loss programs out there, the key is to choose the one that best fits your lifestyle and needs. Generally speaking, swapping out processed foods high in refined sugar and trans fats for fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help to improve not only your waistline but also your overall health and wellness.

    Once you figure out which diet strategy works for you, try to maintain those same great habits even after your cosmetic body contouring procedure to maximize the longevity of your results.

  4. Regular Exercise

    When paired with a healthy diet, getting regular exercise can have a significant impact on your health, body proportions and overall appearance. As with beginning a healthy diet regimen, working exercise into your daily routine is an excellent stepping stone to reach your final weight loss goals.

    Most men and women see the best results from their body contouring procedures once they’ve already established an effective diet and exercise plan. That way, you can more easily determine where certain trouble spots may be that are resistant to your diet and exercise efforts. That’s where cosmetic treatments can come in to help improve those areas that don’t seem to respond to your time in the gym, no matter how hard you try.

    It’s important to note, too, that while exercise can be a great tool for weight loss, there is no way to choose which areas of your face and body will lose fat. Everyone stores and loses fat in different ways, and, unfortunately, this is largely determined by genetics.

    Just because you’re able to do 100 crunches every day, for example, doesn’t mean that your love handles will automatically melt away. This is why exercise is often combined with body contouring procedures to give you that extra edge when it comes to getting the smooth, toned figure you’re looking for.

  5. Body Contouring Procedures

    Once you’ve hit your target weight or come very close, you may still notice some bulges that haven’t responded to your efforts. In other cases, such as after pregnancy or due to the natural aging process, loose or excess skin may be keeping you from absolutely loving your look.

If you can relate to any of these situations, body contouring procedures like abdominoplasty and liposuction may be the most effective solutions for you. In most cases, liposuction is combined with a tummy tuck in order to maximize your results and give you the smooth, sleek contours you want. While a tummy tuck can address sagging skin, it won’t get rid of excess fat. Thus, adding liposuction to your procedure can help to give you more comprehensive results.

If you’re considering either a nonsurgical or surgical body contouring procedure, consult a board-certified plastic surgeon who can listen to your cosmetic concerns and recommend the most appropriate treatment options that will help you meet your goals.

Dr. Daniel G. Kolder

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

As a highly trained plastic surgeon, Dr. Kolder’s specialties include:
Tummy Tucks + Liposuction + Breast Augmentation + Breast Lifts + Breast Reduction + Facelifts + Armlifts + Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty, as well as a variety of non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Dr. Kolder is also known to have a warm, easy manner, compassionate care, with surgical results that are beautiful and natural.

See Below Dr. Kolder’s Procedure Videos.

Patient Testimonial

“I was so pleased I chose to go to Dr Kolder! Not only do I love his staff, they are so helpful, efficient and just plain fun to talk to, Dr. Kolder makes you feel at ease with his knowledge and disposition. My surgery results were amazing and my recovery was made easy knowing I could call any time and get immediate attention and information. I highly recommend Dr. Kolder and his entire staff…”