pacifica Plastic surgery





Mommy Makeover: What Is on Your Mothers Day Wish List? img 1You have fallen in love with your little one, however, your after-baby body is not as easy to love. For many mothers, the changes that their body experiences during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding prevents them from feeling comfortable and confident in their appearance. In hopes of restoring their figure, mothers come to Pacifica Center seeking the expertise of Dr. Kolder and Dr. Improta.

While certain of how they want to look, many mothers are uncertain as to how to go about and achieve their desired appearance. Fortunately, Dr. Kolder is able to tailor your Mommy Makeover to your body’s unique needs as well as your individual goals.

What Is the Right Procedure for You?

Through a collection of procedures, a Mommy Makeover enhances a womans physique after childbirth. As the breasts and the midsection are bound to take the brunt of childbearing, a Mommy Makeover often couples breast enhancement with a tummy-focused body contouring procedure.

Breast Enhancement

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight fluctuation can lead to a change in a mother’s breasts. Dr. Kolder is able to restore the appearance of a woman’s breasts through an augmentation, a lift, or a reduction.

Breast Augmentation: Women who experience significant volume loss can greatly benefit from breast augmentation. By adding an implant, not only is volume restored, but the breast size, shape, and proportion are also improved.

Breast Lift: Troubled by their now sagging breasts, many women want to re-elevate their breasts. By removing excess skin and tightening the underlying breast tissue and muscles, a breast lift is able to seemingly “lift” the breasts to a higher and better supported position allowing them a naturally youthful and perky appearance.

Breast Reduction: Just as pregnancy can cause breast tissue to shrink, it can also cause it to enlarge. In these cases, a woman may opt to reduce the size of her breasts through breast reduction surgery.

Contoured Physique

Often performed together, tummy tuck surgery and liposuction can reshape your after-baby body.

Tummy Tuck: To accommodate the baby, your stomach had to stretch a substantial amount often beyond its ability to naturally snap back. Left with excess skin, stretch marks, and loose muscles, a taut tummy is hard to achieve without surgical assistance. A Tummy Tuck (or, abdominoplasty) removes any extra skin and tightens the underlying muscles that may have stretched throughout your pregnancy.

Liposuction: During pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause localized fat pockets to form. A relief for many mothers, liposuction permanently removes these stubborn fat deposits leaving you with a lean and smooth figure.

A Mommy Makeover Just for You!

While addressing problems shared by many mothers, each Mommy Makeover is unique as the mom herself. Working closely with you, Dr. Kolder will determine what combination of procedures best address your needs.

Ultimately, our goal at Pacifica Center is to restore more than just your body we want to renew your self-confidence. Please schedule a consultation with Dr. Kolder to learn how a Mommy Makeover can help you.

Dr. Daniel G. Kolder

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

As a highly trained plastic surgeon, Dr. Kolder’s specialties include:
Tummy Tucks + Liposuction + Breast Augmentation + Breast Lifts + Breast Reduction + Facelifts + Armlifts + Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty, as well as a variety of non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Dr. Kolder is also known to have a warm, easy manner, compassionate care, with surgical results that are beautiful and natural.

See Below Dr. Kolder’s Procedure Videos.

Patient Testimonial

“I was so pleased I chose to go to Dr Kolder! Not only do I love his staff, they are so helpful, efficient and just plain fun to talk to, Dr. Kolder makes you feel at ease with his knowledge and disposition. My surgery results were amazing and my recovery was made easy knowing I could call any time and get immediate attention and information. I highly recommend Dr. Kolder and his entire staff…”